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Off Campus Writers' Workshop - OCWW

OCWW Manuscript and
Contest Guidelines

One of the benefits of OCWW membership is the opportunity to have your work critiqued by some of our highly qualified speakers. To check if a speaker is accepting manuscripts please scroll down to the list below. 

Manuscript Critiques and Contests are open to 2024-2025 OCWW members in good standing.  
Critiques are $4 per page unless otherwise noted. Contests are free to enter. 

To Submit: See specific guidelines for critique and contests below. Different speakers may have additional requirements or guidelines for manuscript submission. Refer to the list below for complete details.

Manuscripts, Speakers and Deadlines:

Genre  Speaker 
Session Date
Due Date  Notes 
 proseFred Shafer September 5-199-1620 page maximum. Invoice must be paid by 9-19. If you don't get an invoice by 9-18 email

Genre  Speaker 
Session Date
Due Date  Notes   Prose  all ages Fred Shafer   9/7, 9/14, 9/21  09/19  1 submission per person; 20 page limit. Dates manuscripts are returned will extend 2-3 weeks  so Fred can read all the many manuscripts. Prose Julia Fine                          10/12  09/26  Julia may be limiting the number of submissions she will accept.  Prose  Goldie Goldbloom       10/26  10/10  First 2 manuscripts received Creative Nonfiction  Kelly McMasters          11/09   10/17  First 5 manuscripts received.  Prose, screenplays Suzanne Nugent           02/08  01/23  Limited number of manuscripts,  first come first served basis TBD  Prose Mary Otis                        02/1501/30   Query letters  Kate McKeon                 02/29 03/12  First 15 query letters on a first come first served basis  1 page, single spaced All genre Dipika Mukherjee          04/04  03/12  First 10 manuscripts on a first come first served basis  8 page limit
  • Email your manuscripts or contest submission as an attached Word doc Please make the email subject OCWW Manuscript or OCWW Contest.
  • Manuscripts and Contest Submissions should be in Word, double spaced, Times New Roman 12 point font with one inch margins, pages numbered.
  • Manuscripts should include name and email on the front page or in the header. They should be received and paid for by the deadline indicated.  Once your manuscript is received you will be sent an invoice. Please pay your invoice by the deadline or we cannot guarantee it will be accepted. If you haven’t received your invoice within 48 hours of sending, please email us at Your manuscript critique will be returned by email the evening before or the day of the speaker’s session. It may be longer for Fred Shafer submissions.
  • Contest entries should include submission title and title of contest entered on the front page or header, but do not include your name on the file. Entries are intended to be judged anonymously. If you haven't received confirmation of receipt of your contest entry within 48 hours please email us at  Contest winners will be announced by the judge at the session.

  • $10 Session Registration Fees for Critique and Contests: In addition to the manuscript critique fee, member is required to register and pay for the speaker's session to submit a a manuscript or contest entry.  
  • Speaker’s Critique Fee: $15 minimum. $4 per page; 20 page maximum. Please note the $15 minimum applies even if you submit fewer than 5 pages.

    How to Pay for Your Critique:
  • Once your manuscript is received, you will be sent an invoice to allow for quick and easy online payment. Manuscripts cannot be passed on to the speaker without advance payment. Please contact if you haven't received your invoice within 48 hours of submission.

Contests, Judges, and Due Dates: 

Due Date  Notes 

  Mary Ruth Clarke


 Winning entries performed by professional actors.





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